Monday, June 30, 2008

Seeking Wisdom

Pro 18:1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.

This verse seems to go in two different directions depending on which translation you read. A few like the king James presents it in a positive light as if those who desire wisdom seek it digently and are willing to separate themselves to have this objective viewpoint in regards to it. The other view is one that separates themselves due to their desire to discover themselves and have a disdain for true wisdom.

Most of the modern translations and paraphrases take the second interpretation as well as most of the commentaries. It seems to me to make more sense to take the first. Probably because I can relate to it ha! Actually there are two other instances in this chapter 18 that have two verses that contrast each other so it would fit the pattern here.

At any rate you could support either view from the scriptures. The first view does create a problem for the organized church that puts so much stock into being in the meeting for the wisdom teaching etc… and to miss the meeting is anything but meddling with wisdom. Today’s church is so focused on a service mentality that their mentality of gathering is one where the body receives. This seems to be the opposite of the scriptures in the n.t. where the body comes together to share in the one anothering. Much of the work of the lord comes from spending time in the secret place where the Holy Spirit does his inner work. Then when the body comes together the Lord is able to minister out of the ministry of the individuals who have spent time with him shut up so to speak to hear his voice. So separating oneself is to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and spending time to hear that still small voice. It gives us an objective view of our situations thus enabling us to drink in this wisdom of the Lord.

We see all through the scriptures where God calls individuals to separate themselves from their oikos and situations and calls them to a walk of faith many times alone. God called Abraham away to go to a far country to look for the city that He alone was building. Joseph was called away from his family and into Egypt. Moses was led away into the desert away from his familiarity.

God seems to be doing the same thing today. Calling / leading many out of the organized church and unto Himself. In the process many are leaning on Him in the wilderness. Learning to hear His voice and learn His ways. God’s ways are very different than mans He might want us to wait while our inclination might be to find a way to do something.
Of course if any take this path they will be challenged to not forsake the assembling:

Heb 10:24-25 and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works; not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh

It is interesting that the very verse these good intentioned brethren use to try and keep us from separating ourself is one that depicts the body as a one-anothering gathering. Let us consider one another and exhort one another. In most gatherings today there isn’t an opportunity to exhort or lead out to share what one may have to encourage the brethren as that task has been replaced by a professional class.

Once one has gotten away from the service mentality and spends some time getting the Lord’s vision for the church it becomes obvious He wants to be the pastor and desires the body to do the ministry. Every part becomes necessary as the Lord is not partial towards a few select individuals. Sharing becomes more important than receiving. The body grows as each part exercises and does its part. Just as a natural body begins to atrophy if it doesn’t exercise the local body of believers needs to participate in the ministry of the one anothers if it is to grow and be healthy.

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